Tuesday, August 12, 2008

catch up or something

well apparently my little game didn't go so well...that probably means no one reads my blog. sweet ha.

but whatever. i don't blame people cause something about me lately is i have been so freaking busy ...my blog has been paying the price.

so in lue of my new resolution to stay on top of blogging i am going to work on also catching up...probably not on everything cause i am pretty sure even if i tired i wouldn't remember most of the stuff i have been doing there has been so much...i mean i remember the general stuff, but that's boring to write about...the good stuff is the random ass shit that happens in between all the fancy big events...

so the first catch up will be dedicated to the wild east.

i know the term is wild wild west...but we didn't go west, we went east...to hood river...that is where my first ever camping trip took place.

but really, just to be honest...i probably shouldn't count it as my first real camping trip. i mean i slept in a tent. and there was dirt, and i didn't shower...for a day...but the tent was in a field...we peed in a house...we cooked in a kitchen...we ate on a deck...at a table...we rode ATVs from the house to the field where the tents were...which also meant that instead of trekking all our crap to the camp site we drove it there...but whatever...mostly all i know about is how i had to drink vodka sprite out of an empty beer bottle cause we didn't have cups...so basically that means camping to me...plus i peed in the grass once.

here are some pictures.

this was my view when i woke up :)

this is us driving on the ATV

more views...

there are also lots of other pictures...like ones about the 17 wild turkeys we saw on the trail...what my hair looked like after sleeping a whole night in the wind storm of a tent...ones about setting up the tents...and others where i used the tent as a super man cape. but tara has those kinds...so i working on getting them and when i do ...there will be a part two to this...

one thing i decided about camping in hood river though is that in my lifetime i will try kite boarding...because i learned about wake boarding this summer...(post still to come) and i learned about surfing this summer...learn about it in this post from when i went to hawaii. i basically loved doing both of those things...so pretty sure i would like to learn about kite boarding...also i loved hood river...the town. and i bought the book twilight.

which i currently am not very far into...but i hear it is fabulous fantastic...and i will be taking it with me this weekend to the beach...so im sure i will be writing about that soon too.

1 comment:

Marbles said...

You're going to love this series... I am sure you're well involved now but I love these books. I started my sister on them a couple years back and now all my aunts and cousins have read them too!