i guess i am in to lists these days...i've been making lists about things i love and other things i love...and now today i am going to do another list. i guess one thing about me is i am a list maker...and i always have been...i work best when i can lay everything out...look at it and just dig in. something about crossing things off lists feels rewarding and satisfying i suppose...i know lists about what i love are not really cross-off-able...but i still like them...anyway...todays list is something new...
today's list is going to be a list of things i want to do...not really in any particular order and they don't have to be any time soon...(some probably will be impossible to do soon...) but sometime in my life i would like to do all of these things...so hopefully if i am still blogging when i am like 75...i can go back and be like..."oh shit...i gotta hurry and get those other things done!"
so here is my list...
1. learn to knit mittens and a hat
2. get a good bike and go on a bike trip (like cycle oregon)
3. do a triathlon
4. buy a pair of brown uggs
5. visit italy / visit the vatican
6. get married
7. take pictures doing snow angels in a lot of snow in either a bathing suite or my sports bra and underwear
8. write a book
9. have kids
10. scuba dive
11. own some sort of house of my very own
12. cross country ski
13. coach a dance team (or co-coach a dance team)
14. watch the ball drop in new york city on new years eve (in person...not on tv)
15. learn to kayak
16. paint a big painting on canvas as a piece of art for my living room
17. see the grand canyon
18. ride in a real gondola and kiss under one of those bridges
19. learn yoga/pilate's and do it for reals (once i did it in PE class but i think i fell asleep before it was over)
20. sew a quilt
21. ride an elephant
22. get a tattoo...probably something tiny... but somewhere...some day...
23. hang out and look around (or stay!) in a vegas palms hotel sweet.
24. see rent on broadway (in new york)
25. fly a plane
26. learn to play guitar (i know a little...but i want to learn for reals)
27. learn to play violin
28. have something named after me
29. go to a celebrity party/red carpet event/or anything that is famous like...
30. rope swing into a lake
31. go on a silent retreat
32. see the sunrise on an ocean shore line and the sunset over the ocean shore line in the same day
33. drive a really expensive car just to see what all the fuss is about...like a $100,000 or more car...
34. go to the top of the eiffel tower (i know i know...i was all the way in paris...and i didn't go to the top of the eiffel tower...long story--at any rate its going on my list)
35. visit all 50 states
36. start my own business
37. read a classic novel (or 2 or 3..) - like war and peace
38. go on a road trip (3 days min...perferable a longer one)
39. go to australia
40. change someone's life for the better...and know that i have made a difference
i'm sure i'll add to this list someday...but for now these are a good start :)....sometimes i think being random and doing things you normally wouldn't do are the best ways to live life. most of the time its the small moments and the random activities you take for granite that make your life so fantastic...i plan to do all of these things (or hope that i can do all of these things...) and as i do im certain that the journey to get me to these will be the parts i will remember best. and there is one rule. the rule is i am not allowed to do any adventure alone...because also something...is it is best to look back, laugh and remember things with other people.
carpe diem!